Saturday, May 29, 2010

Free Market at Work

So for everyone who thinks that the government needs to be involved in protecting valuable resources, this article may come as a surprise.  The exact same industry which is accused of endangering king salmon is paying for the study to determine if, in fact, they are responsible.  The free market does, in fact, provide incentives for private industry to become the guardians and safe keepers of our natural resources.  In fact, with a direct stake in the outcome of the study (both in terms of public perception of their primary product, and availability of other potential products), the pollock industry will probably make more of an effort to ensure that the research is completed in a timely way.  Moreover, with funding coming from a limited, and private, source, the study will be more likely to be completed in a cost effective manner than if the government could simply give another grant out of an over-inflated bureaucratic departmental budget.  Kudos to the pollock industry for funding this study.

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